News and Events

Easter Art

A collage based on the Lent studies in the Wednesday Ladies' Fellowship

Easter Garden

The story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is commemorated in our Easter garden in the Oasis window.

Campaign for a Covid Free world

A Baptist-led petition to the UK government and governments world wide to help make the Covid-19 vaccine easily accessible across the globe. You can click the link to sign.

SPRING HARVEST 2021 - 'Unrivalled: Why we worship'

This year’s Spring Harvest will be between 4th to 8th April online both live and on demand. Expect to see all the best bits of their usual programme: Big Start, Bible teaching, celebrations, excellent children's and youth content and much more, all based on the theme 'Unrivalled: Why we worship'.

Give Hope - have the Vaccine.

Church leaders have joined forces with the NHS to launch a campaign aimed at encouraging a more balanced conversation around the COVID-19 vaccine. They have produced a video - link below.

New Wine Skins - Church Action on Poverty Sunday

Today is the day when we are invited to "Give, act and pray" to ensure people on the margins are fully involved in the world we build as we emerge from the pandemic

Racial Justice Sunday

Racial Justice Sunday 2021 coincides with Valentine's Day. The resources for the day, provided by the United Reformed Church, consider the theme "What kind of love...?"

Keeping on running the race - our 31st Anniversary

In our online service on 17th January we celebrated the church's 31st anniversary with the theme of "running the race". as we reflected on the importance of our feet for running, our creative gifts came into play. Look at the photos - all anonymous!

A Happy New Year

A suggestion from Baptists Together for an alternative to New Year Resolutions

SBC Afternoon of Prayer 3rd January 2020 - ‘Beginning the New Year with God.'

On the first Sunday of the New Year, congregation members spent time in prayer and reflection - "alone with God in their bubble".

Carol Service - Churches together

Another chance to watch the Churches Together in Sandbach Carol Service

Exercise in Tier 2

The socially distanced exercise walking group pictured on the way to Arclid Airport

Good News for Everyone - Link

Here is the link which Dennis mentions in his talk, in case you missed it!

Help over Christmas

Information from the Cheshire East Local Area Coordinator about support services and help available this winter.


During our video service on the theme of hands, some hands were busy combining creativity with prayer.

Christmas Shoe boxes

The 129 shoeboxes have been collected by Dave and Steve Cooke of Teams4U and are at the warehouse in Wrexham. They will be sorted by age and gender, ready for loading onto lorries bound for Romania, Belarus or Moldova. A few more pictures of the busy packers added on 20th November.

Reset the Debt

A campaign for a biblical Debt Jubilee for people who have been swept into debt by the effects of Covid-19, to relieve low-income households from the burden of unavoidable debt that many were forced to take on during lockdown.

The Joy of Creation

Creative offerings from members of our church community.

"Zoom Coffee" - and more fish!

At our latest Sunday morning online chat time we enjoyed looking at the fish created as craft work during our online service. The service was based on the story of Jonah and the whale. And the fish pictures have kept arriving since then. You can see them in full technicolour detail, along with other works of art, on the Photos page.

The Church in our post-Covid world -A reflection by Sally Nelson on the BUGB web

The Church has a unique opportunity to be a hopeful presence in a traumatised nation, but this needs to include speaking and listening.

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