News and Events

Put a lid on poverty!

We support a social enterprise that is collecting and recycling rubbish. 2 billion people don't have their rubbish collected. By twinning our bin, in partnership with Tearfund, we help fund a community project that's preventing disease, protecting the environment and creating jobs.

United in prayer for Ukraine

An invitation to join fellow Christians on Sunday 3 April to pray for an end to the conflict in Ukraine and for peace in our world.

Prayers for Ukraine

Prayers from the Joint Public Issues team for the situation in Ukraine.

#Stay and Pray

Every day, the Joiny Public issues team encourages us to lift up our eyes and pray for others around the world as part of #StayAndPray

Knitted Nativity

An unusual Nativity scene in the window of our Oasis Community Centre. All of the characters in the colourful display, which is at child height, are knitted!

Jesse Tree - preparing for Advent

Jesse Tree is a way of preparing for Advent by journeying through the stories on Jesus’s family tree. Our children are preparing decorations to show how God prepared for Jesus to be born through many generations.

Christmas Shoeboxes

A busy team of volunteers packed 114 shoeboxes, sent to brighten children's Christmases in eastern Europe.

Vigil for Cop26 at Sandbach Crosses

The Sandbach Peace and Justice Group, part of Churches Together in Sandbach, held a vigil, to mark the COP26 climate conference, beside the Sandbach Crosses on Saturday 6th November. The theme was  “We are all in the same storm … we are not all in the same boat!”  It recognises that poorer countries and poorer people will suffer the worst effects from climate change.

A service at the farm

Annual farm service and picnic on 26rth September 2021

Preparing for COP26

COP26 is the 26th meeting of world leaders at the UN climate change talks. The conference has been described as the most important gathering on climate change since the Paris agreement was signed in 2015.

God - Maker, Mender, Moulder

In our service on 22nd August the children did some "making, mending and moulding" to help them understand how we see God at work

Climate Sunday Initiative

Churches commit to effective climate action ahead of the COP 26 climate summit in November

Stay alert to justice

COVID-19 has brought huge changes to all our lives, but inequalities mean that some people have been hit even harder than others. The churches' Joint Public issues team is calling for all of us to Stay Alert to Justice during the pandemic, and beyond.

Church walks - Jacob's Ladder

Exploring the local area on foot, in all weathers. Sadly, this Jacob’s Ladder won’t take you up to Heaven, just down to Hassall Moss.

Easter Art

A collage based on the Lent studies in the Wednesday Ladies' Fellowship

Easter Garden

The story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is commemorated in our Easter garden in the Oasis window.

Campaign for a Covid Free world

A Baptist-led petition to the UK government and governments world wide to help make the Covid-19 vaccine easily accessible across the globe. You can click the link to sign.

SPRING HARVEST 2021 - 'Unrivalled: Why we worship'

This year’s Spring Harvest will be between 4th to 8th April online both live and on demand. Expect to see all the best bits of their usual programme: Big Start, Bible teaching, celebrations, excellent children's and youth content and much more, all based on the theme 'Unrivalled: Why we worship'.

Give Hope - have the Vaccine.

Church leaders have joined forces with the NHS to launch a campaign aimed at encouraging a more balanced conversation around the COVID-19 vaccine. They have produced a video - link below.

New Wine Skins - Church Action on Poverty Sunday

Today is the day when we are invited to "Give, act and pray" to ensure people on the margins are fully involved in the world we build as we emerge from the pandemic

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