News and Events

Tek Ura - working to improve the lives of disadvantaged people in Albania

providing the support and opportunities they need to build better lives for themselves and their families.

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JPIT Newsletter for October

Praying for peace in the Holy Land


Love in box for Christmas

160 shoeboxes filled for sending to children for Christmas

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Churches' responses to the violence in Israel and Gaza

Churches are responding with prayers and statements to the violence in Israel and Gaza

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Net Zero - Churches' response to PM's statement

Statement in response to the Prime Minister’s announcement on net zero policies


President's Poem - The Great Banquet

New Baptist Union President, Revd Tim Presswood, of the North Western Baptist Association, introduced his theme at Baptist Assembly

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Refugee Week in June - Compassion was the theme - click for a pic.

Many churches in Britain marked refugee week in June

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Christian Aid Week - over £2000!

A virtual bike ride and a plant sale

God saw that it was good - a reflection from BUEN

The Baptist Union Environment Network - ‘BUEN’, meaning good in Spanish - is a new initiative that aims to raise awareness and respond to the environmental crisis. 

Coronation Chicken - and more!

We were welcomed by Susie and Stu Warburton to their garden for a Coronation party.

A Coronation Prayer

From the Baptist Union - A prayer on the occasion of the Coronation - 6 May 2023 

Get Creative Craft Bonanza raises funds for Albania

a day of crafting in aid of a charity supporting faith communities in Albania

Continuing Easter Hope

We were reminded on Easter Day to continue to celebrate Jesus's resurrection in the days and weeks after Easter.

Hunger Lunch for the Tearfund Earthquake Appeal

Very many thanks to all those who contributed to the Hunger Lunch.

Belonging to Baptists Together : a new booklet

Baptists and their identity as followers of Jesus. What does it mean to be a Baptist? What does it mean to be part of a Baptist Church? What does it mean to belong to Baptists Together?

........A prayer on the first anniversary of the start of war in Ukraine

A prayer from the Joint Public Issues team (JPIT)

........A new poem - "I Am"

A new poem from our resident poet!

Picturing love

Our young people were asked to create some pictures of love for the service on 12th February.

The prayer tree at Oasis is growing more flowers!

The prayer tree on the Oasis noticeboard

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